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Tag - Pure Metal Cards

Understanding QR Codes

Increasingly today little black patterns in a white square are appearing on advertising and packaging.  These pixilated images are quick response codes or QR codes. A QR code can store a website address (or URL), phone numbers, email…

Cutting Edge Designed Carbon Fiber Business Cards

If you are looking for an alternative to metal business cards, consider switching to a card made of carbon fiber. Carbon fiber is a very expensive composite material, which, because of its mechanical properties is used in aerospace…

Technorati: Pure Metal Cards enables consumers to create customized metal business cards online

Read our recent interview about Pure Metal Cards published today on Technorati! New Hong Kong based startup enables consumers to create customized metal business cards online – Technorati Small Business Click: http://bit.ly/rJ0qfu

Its all in the font

Choosing the right font or fonts for your business card is increasing difficult.  Here is a comprehensive article on how to choose a typeface from Smashing Magazine http://bit.ly/t6uHgM Once you have chosen a font you can find it at a…